Belly dance shoes

Although traditionally done barefoot belly dance shoes became fashionable in the 1950's during the Egyptian 'Golden age' due to the influence of Hollywood.

Heels began to be worn by dancers as a sign of affluence. Now most cabaret, or classical oriental dancers who perform in hotels, restaurants or clubs wear high-heeled belly dance shoes.

Other forms of footwear are flat, thin soled, soft leather dance shoes, which sometimes have a small heel.

I developed a leather foot pad which I call 'dance pods', rather than belly dance shoes. They are made from a piece of leather that covers the ball of the foot and laces onto another piece of leather covering the top of the foot which has a loop for an elastic to tie around the ankle.

It looks good and is a good idea to dance in when performing in a place where there may be broken glass or sharp stones such as a restaurant or outdoors, for it still allows the feeling of connecting with the earth through the feet but also offers a layer of protection.

The best feeling for me though, is to dance barefoot.

If you'd like more information about my 'dance pods' please send me a message using the form in the right margin.

If you'd like to go from learning about belly dance shoes to how to belly dance please click here.


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